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Employees using Pluria: home has become the office, a wall to lean on, and later, a place of joy

Who are the people using Pluria, and how did they become fans of the flexible spaces in our network? We spoke with five users from different cities in Romania—employees with diverse preferences, yet united by the need to break away from the home office routine.

We found unique stories with many common threads: there’s a real need for a better hybrid or remote work model, for escaping the improvised office in the kitchen or living room, and for the chance to meet colleagues face-to-face.

Why Pluria

Larisa Ifrim, Zitec

“Home became an office, a place to vent, and later a space to celebrate small victories, whether professional or personal. Sometimes, it’s overwhelming to have the same space for everything, 24/7. After a life where school and work had distinct places, the pandemic shifted our rhythm, turning home into a multi-purpose space.

At first, I saw working from home as an experiment—not so much a social one, but a chance to work differently. In 2020, working fully remote, I also felt the spatial confusion, so I started going out once a week to a Pluria space, and on other occasions, even twice.”

Loredana Gnilenco, Westernacher

“I’m the first employee of my company, which is headquartered in Germany and recently opened a branch in Romania. Currently, we have an office in Cluj, but as our team grows and we expand, more colleagues want a workspace in their own city. We realized we can’t open offices in every city where we have employees, like Brașov or other locations, since we’re fairly spread out.

I use Pluria almost weekly, especially because I also travel frequently. As an IT consultant, I often work on-site with clients, but when I’m home, I try to go to a Pluria space two or three times a week and encourage my colleagues to join me. For me, it’s very convenient.”

Alice Fischer, AppSolve

angajații care folosesc Pluria Alice

“For me, it was a really, really big plus. I didn’t necessarily want to work from home all the time—I felt the need to see people from time to time. So, I started going to Pluria spaces two days a week.

I thought it was great to have options—I don’t have to limit myself to just one place. I can leave the house and work with my colleagues, find a spot I like. Sometimes, I meet up with a colleague, and over time, I’ve started to get to know people in the spaces I visit and have a few chats on the terrace.

I really enjoy the variety available to me and the fact that I can go to other places or even to another city, if needed.”

Cristina Tot, Zitec

angajații care folosesc Pluria Cristina

“I’ve made it a habit to use Pluria locations because they give me the chance to meet with my colleagues, considering that our office is in Bucharest and Brașov, while I’m in Cluj.

We don’t have a dedicated office in the city, so I take advantage of this opportunity to meet up with colleagues, exchange ideas, energy, and share whatever we need. We aim to do this at least once a week, sometimes even twice. We like that we can meet up for lunch, so we plan our meetings around this idea.

Usually, we meet at a location suitable for work, and then we go to a bistro where we can talk either about work or something else over lunch. We also have a few favorite spaces because we were open to trying all of them in Cluj.”

Sînziana Pintilie, Westernacher

“For me, Pluria means having a workspace where I can focus and be in a professional environment. I like that I can choose the location based on my needs—I usually prefer it to be close to home or easily accessible by public transport. This way, I save time and avoid crowded places, which makes a big difference, especially on busy days.”

Spaces in the Pluria Network


Cowork Pluria Larisa

“I most often went to Acaju. I really like it there—it’s a space with a bohemian vibe, the people who come are open, and the staff is super friendly. When it was warm, I loved working on the terrace.

It feels like being in your grandma’s garden—they have greenery, cats wandering around, you take a selfie, take a break, stretch out either on the terrace or inside the café. I feel like I’m working in a place where I enjoy getting my work done.

I also went to Pleiada and synced up with a colleague from Zitec, and we worked together there for a day. It really helps, especially when you don’t have too many meetings.

After I finish my workday, I truly feel like I’ve wrapped it up. Plus, you get to enjoy a nice culinary experience. You see others working there or just passing through, and it has a great vibe.”


“When I’m downtown and have a couple of hours to wait, it helps to have somewhere to sit and work so I don’t waste time, like in a café, even though, normally, a café wouldn’t be my first choice—it’s noisier, and you don’t get the comfort of an office chair.

In Cluj, I only have one colleague who also goes to coworking spaces, so we usually meet at the same spot. It’s convenient, close to bus stations, and easy to reach. We always say we want to try other places, but once you start getting to know the people and the space, it’s hard not to get attached.”


“The most suitable space for me and my colleagues is Xponential Transylvania, both for its location and the excellent conditions it offers. Although it’s a smaller space, it’s very quiet.

For lunch, we usually go to DOT, which is just a few steps away from Xponential. We like being in the city center and having everything at our fingertips. As a location, it’s ideal for us.”


angajații care folosesc Pluria Sinziana

“I alternate between coworking spaces and cafés in Iași, depending on how my day looks. I go most often to V7 and Acaju—both match my vibe, and in the past, I’d also stop by Fab Iași.

When I need maximum focus, I go to coworking spaces; that’s where I can really get into the flow. On the other hand, for lighter days, cafés are ideal, especially since I can enjoy a good lunch. I like places that also offer food options; it takes that worry off my plate and makes my day more enjoyable.”

Modul de lucru


“On days without confidential client or internal meetings, it’s really relaxing to work from a more laid-back space and handle routine tasks. When I need a more serious, work-focused environment without culinary or networking distractions, I prefer Fab Lab 2. For those in programming, the work style is different, but since I’m in business development, my tasks, conferences, and discussions are quite varied.”


Cowork Pluria Loredana

“When I have a client meeting, I prefer going to spaces with Quiet Rooms, just like at the office, where I can have the necessary quiet. However, when I don’t have important meetings or workshops and only need to work on internal projects, I like going to Gram Bistro because they have really, really good food.

I also try other locations, especially those that offer lunch options. The difference is in the quiet—at Gram Bistro, for instance, it gets very crowded and noisy at lunchtime, so sometimes my colleagues say they can’t hear me well on calls. Still, I enjoy the space, even if it’s sometimes busy, and I adjust based on the needs of my workday.”


“For me and my colleagues, human contact is incredibly important. The energy is clearly different when you meet in person compared to any video call—it’s just not the same. We have our tasks and communicate very often, either through chat or video, sharing a few words about random things; it’s a kind of quality time, a mix between socializing and work, and it matters to us. We really appreciate having this opportunity.”

How To Access Pluria

Pluria is an office-anywhere app for remote and hybrid teams, giving you access to a network of selected coworking spaces and cafés in over 15 countries across Europe and Latin America.

Once your employer offers you this service, you’ll have access to:

• A network of over 750 coworking spaces and cafés for remote work

• Lunch included in café-style spaces

• The option to work together with your colleagues

Fill out the form to get in touch with us! We have everything ready for you to enjoy an amazing work experience!
